Friday, April 25, 2008

Cruise Line job offer

We have currently job offer.

Bar Waiter, Chef, Bakery Cook,Stewardess

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cruise Line job Offer from Nepal
Namstee and Greetings from Nepal!!

United International Management (P).Ltd. is one of the pioneers, experienced and leading Manpower Agencies in the Kingdom of Nepal. Registered under the Ministry of labor, having License No. 192/057/058. it's Main objectives notion view is to be GOOD to others and provide Utmost Satisfaction, and bettering everybody's & Employee by providing them with better opportunities abroad on employment sector and to solve the Unemployment problem of the country decided supporting and bastion the nation economic we can out- rightly say that UIM has remained one of the most experience and pioneer main power agencies Nepal. United International has been supplying Ship Crew to the cruise line and Yacht Industries, since several Years.ANDSKILLED CONSULTANT OVERSEAS SERVICES (P) LTD providing consultancy services and trainings that are looking caregiver jobs abroad.
Company ProfileCompany's

Name : United International Management Pvt. Ltd.
Established on : 1999 AD.Main
Objective : To recruit Manpower supply wellExperience Crew.
Telephone No : 977-1-2102092
Fax No : 977-1-4467053
Postal Address : GPO BOX NO 8973NPC 873
Katmandu Nepal
E-mail :

Contact persons:
Mr. Prem Kumar Gurung
(Operation & Recruiting Manager)
Ph. 00977-9841213489

Mr. Jewan Lama
(Training Coordinator)
Ph. 00977-9841216231

Mr. Karan Gurung(Manager)
Ph: 009779841303087

Available Categories

(We offer the following Services)
Front Office
PersonnelHouse Keepers
CooksFood & Beverage Controllers
Room Boys

CompanySecurity ManagerSafety/
Security OfficerSecurity
Health Services
NurseCare Giver
NannyAu pairChild caretaker
Disable careHouse Maid

GUARANTEES AND ASSURANCESUnited International Management (P) Ltd. assumes full professional responsibilities as a Government-registered overseas employment company in Nepal because only such registered companies are authorized to provide the required manpower abroad.Further, We at United International Management (P) Ltd. are open at all the times forAny other information needed by you. Looking forward your positive response ASAP.

Cruise Ship Crew Recruiting Agency from Nepal

Dear Sir, Madam

We are recruiting agency here in Nepal Since 1995. We are supplying Hospitality Workers, Casino workers and bravery Gorkah Security personals in Gulf Countries and other countries in Various Categories such as Stewardess, Waiter, Stewards, Chef, Cook and Casino worker male and female with five star hotel experiences. If you have any vacancy for Man power please contact us .We will provide you as free service your company. If you give us some demands for Nepalese persons we will be glad. I would like to put proposal for agency in Nepal with us and I would like to promote our agency service.Hope you will give me positive response from your side..

With Kind regards,

Prem Kumar Gurung

(Managing Director)

Skilled Consultant and Overseas (P) Ltd&United

International Management (P)Ltd

Kathmandu Nepal

GPO BOX 8973 NPC 873

Ph: 00977-1-4490521

Fax: 00977-1-4467053

Cell: 00977-9841213489